Monday, August 15, 2005

Creativity Seminar Gone Awry

We knew something was wrong with Zven. He just sat there in a
mystic gaze eyes prowling, whirling at times, ripples of deep blue
intertwined about as if to say, "Why did I take on this dang durn
project anyway?" Helpless and hopeless.....and hopless. Yes "hopless"
Zven was a toad, and not a too darn cheery one at that. Pour John
Denver, into his griddle sun's comin' up got stakes in the heart of
every godless heathen sneezin' vampin' umpire that don't see it on the
mountain. Angels in the outfield, huh? I think they appear
translucently in the night on the highway. Michael! land on that car
riiiiiiiiiiiight there! Whaddayadu?? Pick up the phone scgiv' me uh
call. Well--seeya here. Steve Austin, a man bearly alive mauled by Dan Akroyd's bad
writers pen. I sword up and down I'd never do this again but the
demons kept closing in MY SIN!? Across lacrosse croissant aunt ant Bea
bee be E=mc hammer. She's a very funny girl, the kind you give five
copies to, on a bus on the phone tryin to make her yaweh home like a
slob in Rome. Tower of Pisa or power of teasing? I bought that cat
it's mine, that's that. Where? (sfx)"pat" "pat" (sfx) it's real, not a
toy I B O U G H T I T O F F A B O Y ! ! !
Well seminars can't really teach you any thing rubber-meet-roadish
anyway. What the medication doesn't filter thru is what dispels the
ripples blue. A mind is a terrible thing to waste is a terrible thing
to mind. Yet brother Gump with shoulders slumpt sighed, "Oh man
Lieutenant Dan, My mama always said, 'a Mast is a terrible thing to
wind'.".:) (: 867-5309eeyine. Poolowe see ba goomba. Uh...moola moola
uhh em..moooola. I'm not that fat Gilligan! Calling Dr. Bombay.
Jeeaanaaaaaayyyy. Steve, these kids is driving me crazy.

Turbulence over Lubbock
More to come
A plane was shook in the heavens
In the end a fair horse won

ps: 667 end it all, start anew


Blogger Doug Floyd said...

Woohoo. First installment of the viquotes online. Look forward to more!

6:18 AM  

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